
Great Tricks For Sticker Graphic Design

Composing a great design for sticker printing is a trial and error process really and success is not always guaranteed. However, in this article, I will show you a few great tricks for sticker graphic design that will see you dishing out one great sticker printing design one after another. Interested in seeing how to do this? Just read on below and discover the 5 great tricks that have been proven to impress people through color stickers.1. Effective use of virtual textures – You should have heard of texture filters by now. These are the filters that add certain common texture types to a design. So for example, you can make a background look like it was made of cloth, or stone, wood or other types of materials. This effect is something that can be quite good at sticker designs.By using a textured background in your layout, you can make your sticker look like it was part of its environment and not just a sticker. For example, you can have a sticker with a stone type texture. Sticking it in a stone wall makes it blend a little with the background. Along with its foreground design, this would be quite an interesting sight as the sticker will slightly look like it was painted into the wall.2. Colors that invite readers – Another great but very simple trick for sticker design is the use of distinctive colors. Stickers of course are designed to be seen, and to do this you can use a lot of very inviting colors to attract readers. Having yellow or orange dominated stickers for example, will always grab people’s attention. Using neon colors on the other hand is perfect for areas with little lighting. Your stickers will always be noticed if you use these kinds of colors, making them all the more useful for their tasks.3. Words and fonts that ring – Stickers also rely on text as a key factor in getting people’s attention. So a great trick is to always use interesting fonts along with powerful attention seeking words. For example, a sticker with a big “WARNING” sign in bold and clear letters will get attention at once. The same goes for “SALE” signs and “DANGER” signs. So if you have some power words in mind for your sticker, do not hesitate to use them.4. Memorable shapes and symbols– People also respond to shapes and symbols in a graphic design. Placing interesting and distinctive shapes and symbols in your stickers will help your design by making them all the more memorable. Motorcycle Goggles For example, Sports Watches adding in a big exclamation point (!) symbol on your warning stickers add that bit of impact that will make people remember that particular notice. So try to find great shapes and symbols that can accompany your sticker designs.5. Special sticker effects – Finally, you can also add in some special sticker effects through different use of materials. You can splash in a little glittering ink to the text and shapes, or use glow in the dark materials to make them visible at night. It is also possible to add in reflectors to make your stickers more noticeable. Use these to add that special effect that is beyond normal stickers.Those are the great tricks that should help you create interesting and eye-catching custom stickers. Use these tricks well, and you will never fail in sticker printing.

