
Gift Baskets for Purim and Other Giving Ideas Handbags

When Purim comes around each year, we are faced with what to give each other. Some people make their own gift baskets and put together their own gifts. That is certainly special when your work goes into your gift giving.But for those of us who are not quite so handy, let's just purchase baskets and figure out what to put in them. There are plenty of things to fill our baskets. And preparing the proper foods is just asthought worthy as making baskets and gifts.Item number one on the list is amentaschen. Poppy seed and prune are the traditional fillings, but apple butter, cherry and pineapple preserves are certainly delicious fillings that work quite well. The three sided treat is often attributed to Haman's three cornered hat. If you make them yourself, be sure to fold in the sides with one corner of each side under another and the opposite corner of each side over the other. Some lesser experienced cooks have tried to fold two adjacent sides in and then fold the bottom flap over both the other two sides. That doesn't work Hermes Handbags because the flap will open and it's just not fun to eat that way.If you would like, fulfill the mitzvah of sending Shalach Manot to a stranger by sending a gift basket to an Israeli soldier. On active duty at the Labanese border, plenty of soldiers would love to receive special gift baskets sent directly to them. It would certainly let them know that we are thinking of them in these hard times.Visit the specific Israel Website to place your order in Alexander Wang Handbags time. The cost isn't much and you have fulfilled your mandate for Purim. Now, start putting a basket together for a friend.While gift baskets full of sweet foods are great gifts to give to the needy, there are other ways to give of yourself during the celebration of Purim. Being creative, funny and informative, you can put together a skit that you can then perform for people in hospitals, day cares and nursing homes. You never know, you just might be the only person who visits them this year.Help with the setting up of a Purim carnival. Volunteering your time is an act of giving just as much as a gift basket is to the needy and a half shekel is to charity. The act of giving is in the heart and without you, there may not be enough people to put together a Purim carnival. So, don't hesitate to ask. Purim is a wonderful time of year. Even though the weather may not be the greatest, Spring is just around the corner just like victory was just around the corner when the Jews seemed like they were in their darkest days when Haman was casting lots, or "Purim" to determine the day he would annihilate the Jews. Even though brighter days are ahead, Handbags these days are the best to show people that you care. The Jewish community stands strong together just 3.1 Phillip Lim Handbags as we did some twenty five hundred years ago. That's the message. That's the reason we have of celebrating. So, drink and be merry until you can't tell the difference between "Blessed be Mordecai" and "Cursed be Haman." But, give of yourself and you give the best gift worth giving.

